Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Damn borrelia .

For many years, Borrelia were considered gram-negative because they diderm and structural appearance of the painting. Borrell - Borrelia including

burgdorferi - not Gram-negative bacteria, but - although many people still referring to them as such. They belong in their category. As I told Dr. MacDonald this week:

I found information confirming the fact that Borrell is not gram-negative and gram-positive. This is a special thing:

"Borrelia considered gram-negative because of their double membrane structure, but genetic analysis of their place - along with cheap strattera other spirochete - a separate type of eubacteria ultrastructural molecular and biochemical studies of stress. large gap between taxonomy spirochete and gram-negative bacteria. "

- C "family of Borrelia" Melissa Caimano. Prokaryotes (2006) 7:235-293. "Although the spirochete Borrelia are often, but wrongly described as gram-negative bacteria due to their diderm, ie double membrane envelopes, upon closer examination reveals significant differences in the composition and architecture. Possibly, it is striking is the absence of LPS, the presence of major surface lipoproteins in the host pathogen interface during transmission, persistence and subsequent pathogenic processes and extras periplazmaticheskoho flagella in determining cell shape. While the surface of lipoproteins, such as Osps interact with different ligands in different tissues of the organs, they are also targets of the immune response and some of them turned into vaccine candidates "

- From Borrell. Molecular biology, host interaction and pathogenesis. Edited by D. Scott and Justin Semyuels D. Radolf. (2010)

So we can say that they are gram-negative "like" - but, strictly speaking, Borrelia No gram-negative bacteria. "

He accepted this answer, and now that Borrelia burgdorferi

is a Gram-uncertain There is additional information from another source of lead which indicates that the spirochete Borrelia differ from other bacteria that are listed here.

"Some of the identified periplazmaticheskoho lipoprotein i. BC OppAs, comprising a substrate transport systems. Investigation integral membrane proteins have led to the discovery of a number of Borrelia porynov: P13, structure and function are unknown, Dypa, which is specific for dikarboksilatov and P66 (Oms66), which has a dual role poroutvoryuyuchyh outer membrane protein with extremely high conductivity of a channel and adhezyny for b3- integrins. Recently identified homologues Besai Tol, B-and C-visible form the Type I "channel" for the export of exogenous toxic substances such as antibiotics and support infektsiynosti by an unknown mechanism. Initial research on the envelope biogenesis ways, based on diderm proteobacterial model organisms have revealed significant deviations from the norm. This further strengthens the unique status among Borrell pathogens. "

Damn Borrelia ... Why you should be such as deviant, why can not you answer? Anyway, I like "channel" they say, on which export or remove antibiotics and keeps infektsiynosti say here to do this using an unknown mechanism According to research out there, this channel is one of the transmembrane proteins that cover external and internal membrane of bacteria -. and it seems to work as

bacteria mouthwash

(in this case. resistance klubenkovyh, distribution, as pump) that removes antibiotics and participates in resistance to antibiotics Check this document (full text in the link):

Source: RND-Type outflow system in Borrelia burgdorferi is involved in virulence and resistance to antimicrobial compounds Ignace Bunikis1, Katrin Denker, Yngwie † stberg1, Christian Andersen, Roland Benz, Sven Bergstr | m PLoS Pathog 29 February 2008, 4 (2) : ... Borrelia burgdorferi e1000009 distinguished by its ability to survive in widely different conditions due to its ability to infect different organisms. Compared with intestinal gram-negative bacteria, the spirochete is only a few transmembrane proteins, some of which are believed to play an important role in the matter and nutrients and excretion of toxic substances. Here, we identified the outer membrane protein, BesC, which is part of the proposed system of export components Bissau, BesB and BesC. We show that BesC, VPH homologue, forms channels in planar lipid bilayer and is involved in resistance to antibiotics. besC knockout was unable to establish infection in mice, indicating the importance of this outer membrane channel in mammals. biophysical properties BesC can be explained by a model based on the channel-tunnel structure. We also called the structural model for leakage device shows the estimated spatial orientation BesC against AcrAB BesAB homologues. We believe that our results will be useful in revealing the pathogenetic mechanisms Borrell, as well as in developing new therapeutic agents to block its function of this secretion apparatus. Clearly, further research in this area is needed. So when people ask: "

Camp, why are you so interested in learning something like field surgery? Why do not you want to learn about different treatments and how they help patients? I want to learn about different types of treatment - is in my interest to do so, because I am working with Lime-health problems for years. I make my own decisions about treatment that is largely personal to my situation. But the study of this material - these details are hidden that should be for most people to be obscure publications in obscure journals outside researchers in the field? For me this stuff that can get us closer to improved treatment for many people. I know this for sure? Number nobody does. But some features under my belt, I can at least apply to the world of science and advocating for funding for research on very specific issues to very specific knowledge. Knowledge that can give us a solid understanding of how to treat chronic Lyme disease, so it does not become chronic. .

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