Wednesday, February 22, 2012

In addition to triggering a powerful protective ...

New generation of salmonella-based, single dose vaccine to fight infant pneumonia

Infectious diseases cause 35 percent of deaths worldwide, and the world's largest killer of children and young adults. They include bacterial pneumonia, a huge killer killed more than 2 million annual deaths worldwide. Now an international team led by Professor Roy AUC Curtis hopes strattera 10mg to turn an enemy into a friend, drawing

Salmonella, the main cause of food poisoning in the fight against bacterial pneumonia. In June 2005, Dr. Curtis received $ 15 million prize (Grand challenges in global initiatives for health care) to develop an anti-pneumonia vaccine for newborns. Project Group to curb appetite for salmonella infection and used it as a medium in which is a set of key proteins antigenssurface pneumoniae, causative agent of bacterial pneumonia. In the body these antigens stimulate the immune response, but the additional pathogenic ingredients necessary to cause disease is absent. This new generation of vaccines offer a new perspective in dealing with

S. pneumonia. In addition to causing a strong protective immune response,

2 types of bacteria

Salmonella vaccine based on the offer inexpensive alternative that can be used orally as a single dose and do not require needles or refrigerationa significant advantage in developing countries. The first generation of this vaccine is currently undergoing the first phase of clinical trials in St. Louis named Weakened recombinant Salmonella vaccine vectors typhoid Manufacturing pneumococcus PVNS. .

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