Wednesday, February 22, 2012

In addition to triggering a powerful protective ...

New generation of salmonella-based, single dose vaccine to fight infant pneumonia

Infectious diseases cause 35 percent of deaths worldwide, and the world's largest killer of children and young adults. They include bacterial pneumonia, a huge killer killed more than 2 million annual deaths worldwide. Now an international team led by Professor Roy AUC Curtis hopes strattera 10mg to turn an enemy into a friend, drawing

Salmonella, the main cause of food poisoning in the fight against bacterial pneumonia. In June 2005, Dr. Curtis received $ 15 million prize (Grand challenges in global initiatives for health care) to develop an anti-pneumonia vaccine for newborns. Project Group to curb appetite for salmonella infection and used it as a medium in which is a set of key proteins antigenssurface pneumoniae, causative agent of bacterial pneumonia. In the body these antigens stimulate the immune response, but the additional pathogenic ingredients necessary to cause disease is absent. This new generation of vaccines offer a new perspective in dealing with

S. pneumonia. In addition to causing a strong protective immune response,

2 types of bacteria

Salmonella vaccine based on the offer inexpensive alternative that can be used orally as a single dose and do not require needles or refrigerationa significant advantage in developing countries. The first generation of this vaccine is currently undergoing the first phase of clinical trials in St. Louis named Weakened recombinant Salmonella vaccine vectors typhoid Manufacturing pneumococcus PVNS. .

Thus, the chemo / aids / transplant patient, or who ...

It depends on the type of pneumonia. Some are highly contagious, some not at all. As Susan said, it is bacterial and viral pneumonia, and several >> << inside each one. Pneumonia that comes to secondary infection, while technically contagious, in everyday life practically not contagious. This is the type that uses a weakened immune system, so that the normal /

immune system can fight without our even knowing that we are sick. Thus, the chemo / AIDS / transplant patient, or anyone else who is * very * patient can catch it pretty easily, but the rest of us do not even make a splash on our radar. Just as an example ... Marines in his infinite wisdom sent some of us, after being drowned several times (for training purposes), the 3-month course of combat winter. We all went down with a bad case of pneumonia (105 rates of lung to be drained, causing shock to us through the ribs, etc.) that were in progress >> << rescue, but none of our friends platoon. We were all compromised lungs (drowning of course), so that the bacteria got in made itself at home. Obviously, that was around, but not with buy strattera light, not having recovered from drowning caught it. 2

diseases caused by bacteria

The case was defined as the first detection in crkp

Karbapenem resistant Klebsiella pneumonia associated with long-term-Care Foundation, West Virginia, 2009-2011

MMWR. 2011, 60:1418-1420

1 table omitted January 27, 2011, West Virginia County Health Department was notified of a cluster karbapenem resistant Klebsiella pneumonia

(CRKP) cases were found in a local hospital (hospital). CRKP infections often resistant to most antimicrobial agents >> << and have an increased risk of morbidity and mortality. West Virginia Bureau of Health (WVBPH) conducted field studies to identify all cases that characterize the risk factors

infection, and abstract data correspond to case-control study. Nineteen case patients and 38 control group patients

identified. Infection CRKP was due to revenues or to stop at a local children's long-term facility (LTCF

). Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) analysis showed that all five hospitals in clinical samples, and all 11 points

prevalence study LTCF isolates were closely related. This is the first outbreak CRKP defined in West Virginia. Recommendations LTCF included the following: (1) to initiate surveillance drug-resistant microorganisms, (2)

see and improve prevention and infection control activities within the enterprise, (3) educate residents and their families, doctors,

and employees of CRKP and (4) identify qualified personnel to coordinate the functions of infection control within the object. Although the LTCF has made significant improvements, began an investigation continues. Additional site visits were conducted

, and more colonized residents were found, the last clinical case was discovered in July. These data demonstrate the relationship

health and factors that potentially contribute to transmission. Measures targeted at all levels of care necessary to prevent further transmission CRKP. In cooperation with local health department and hospital, WVBPH conducted a preliminary inquiry into the field in February

7-9, to identify all cases and describe risk factors of infection. The case was defined as the first detection in CRKP

hospitalized patient unit in April 2009-February 2011. Descriptive analysis was conducted to assess patients'

demographics, admitting, medical institution, reason for admission, admitting source for the patient and the time between intake and

culture collection of the sample. The second field study was conducted in February 21-24 to total abstraction of data for compliance with case-control study. Management of patients were found in patients admitted to a hospital unit with clinical culture karbapenem susceptible to

K. pneumonia in April 2009-February 2011. Where possible, each case-patient was matched for 10 years with two managers >> << patients and give sample collection within 14 days. Data strattera no prescritpion on demographics of patients, the initial hospitalization, is

devices and procedures, the history of multidrug-resistant organisms (MDROs), history of stay in hospitals and LTCFs and related >> << diseases (as reported Charlson index komorbidnosti evaluation *) were collected in both cases, patients and controls. Visit in hospital and LTCF were conducted during the preliminary investigation area. These surveillance and practice

and infection control policies and practices, as objects were considered. Studies point to determine the prevalence of base >> << prevalence CRKP was conducted in accordance with CDC protocol recommended >> << in oncology and medical / surgical units in hospitals and LTCF facilitywide on data from field studies of A. and corresponds to a case control study were analyzed using statistical software. Risk factors for

CRKP evaluated by performing exact conditional logistic regression to calculate the precise relationship chances (Osh) estimates and 95%

confidence intervals for dichotomous variables. Because of abnormal distribution of continuous variables, median two trial tests

used to estimate statistically significant differences between case-patients and patients of the control group. A total of 19 cases were found for samples of the collection dates of 4 April 2009-21 February 2011. Among the cases

16 patients were taken from LTCFs, 14 of which were from LTCF (see table). Cultures were obtained from 10 of 14

LTCF case patients ≤ 2 days after admission to hospital, indicating they probably came to the hospital with an infection. A total of 38 patients of the control group were found. Several characteristics of case-patients and patients of the control group were compared

(see table). Estimates of age, race, and Charlson comorbidities were similar for both groups, but case-patients (58%) more often than

control group patients (16%) were male. Case patients had more length of stay in hospital (average 11. 4 days) and higher

number of previous hospitalizations (average 2. 5). A small number of case patients, risk factors for infection were evaluated CRKP exact conditional logistic regression >>. The risk of infection << CRKP was most closely associated with prior stay in the LTCF (OR = 46. 6) and admission

from LTCF (OR = 35. 1). Case patients were significantly less likely than patients of the control group during outpatient diagnostic >> << and spent time at home during the previous year. Hospital surveillance and infection control methods were considered adequate, while the score of observation

pneumonia treatment

and methods to combat infection in LTCF shortcomings. Infection preventionist position in LTCF was vacant >> << 9 months. Electronic monitoring was available, but the object is to record the results of laboratory tests or MDRO

status of residents in this system. LTCF used medical laboratory is not informed karbapenemov resistance, but not record >> << existed infection among CRKP LTCF residents. Staff hand hygiene stations were not conveniently located, and supplies

(such as gloves, gowns and containers for waste), missing under contact precautions. Point prevalence survey

done, none of the 29 hospital patients samples were positive CRKP, while 11 (9%) of 118 residents of samples, including

eight people have not CRKP colonization were positive of LTCF A. Five clinical isolates of

Hospital and 11 isolates from the observation point prevalence study of LTCF aimed CDC for confirmation and PFGE

analysis. All 16 isolates were confirmed as carbapenemase (KPC) production

K. pneumonia and 88% of similarity in their PFGE patterns. .

Due to excessive antibiotics, some bacteria...

Taking antibiotics for colds and other viral illnesses not only will not work, but also has dangerous side effect: over time, this practice helps create bacteria that are becoming more difficult to kill. Frequent and improper use of antibiotics can cause bacteria or other microorganisms to withstand the effects of antibiotics. This is called bacterial resistance or resistance to antibiotics. Treatment of resistant bacteria require higher doses of drugs or strong antibiotics. Due to excessive antibiotics, some bacteria are becoming resistant to some of the most powerful to date antibiotics. Resistance to antibiotics is a widespread problem and one that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) calls "one of the most pressing social problems in world health." Bacteria that were once very responsive to antibiotics are becoming more resistant. Among those are becoming harder to treat are pneumococcal infections (which cause,, nasal sinuses, and

symptoms of the pneumonia

), and skin infections. So, what should I do if a child is sick? To minimize the risk of bacterial resistance to these tips in mind:

Treat only bacterial infections. Seek advice and ask questions. Filing a mild disease (especially those to be caused by viruses) to go in turn to avoid the development of drug-resistant germs can be a good idea, but it's still better to leave what is a "slight illness" to the doctor. Even if symptoms do not worsen strattera without prescritpion but linger, take your child to the doctor. In the office, ask questions about your child's disease bacterial or viral and discuss the risks and benefits of antibiotics. If this virus does not put pressure on doctors be antibiotics, but ask about how to treat the symptoms. Using antibiotics inappropriately. Do not save antibiotics for the next time. Never use another person's prescription. Ask your doctor how to treat the symptoms that make your child uncomfortable, such as nasal congestion or tickle in the throat, without the use of antibiotics. The key to building a good relationship with your doctor opened, so that work together in this direction. Using medicines correctly. Antibiotics are effective only against bacterial infections, taking into full time by a physician, and they take time to die, too, so do not expect that your child will feel better after the first dose. Most kids take 1 to 2 days to feel much better. Also, do not let your child take antibiotics longer than prescribed. And most importantly, never use antibiotics that were lying around your house. Never take antibiotics that were intended for another family member or adult, or doses for children are changing, and if your child had a disease that requires antibiotics, you want to make sure you are treated properly. Saving antibiotics "once again" is a bad idea, too. All remaining antibiotics should be abandoned as soon as your child takes the full course of treatment. Help fight antibiotic resistance by taking simple measures to prevent spread of infection. Encourage, ensure that your children are up to date, and keep children out of school when they are sick. Doctors know the increased resistance to antibiotics and try to solve this problem. New antibiotics may be on the horizon, but antibiotics should continue to be prescribed and used properly. Name of.

Scientists from the european molecular biology ...

pneumonia congestive heart failure

Science (April 20, 2011)

In the future, when you enter the doctor's office or hospital, you can ask not only about your allergies and blood, but also about your gut type. Scientists from the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg, Germany, and employees of an international consortium MetaHIT, found that people have three different types of gut. The study, published in Nature

, and reveals microbial genetic markers associated with traits as an indicator of age, sex and body weight. These bacterial genes one day be used for diagnosis and prediction of diseases such as colorectal cancer, and information about the intestinal type of person could inform treatment. We all have bacteria in our gut that help digest food, destroy toxins, produce some vitamins and essential amino acids, and form a barrier against invaders. But the composition of that microbial community - the relative number of different species of bacteria - varies from person to person. We found that a combination of microbes in the human intestine is not by chance, says Peer Bork, who led the research at EMBL: our intestinal flora may be located in three different types of community - three different ecosystems, if you want. Bork and his colleagues first used stool samples for analysis of intestinal bacteria with 39 people from three different continents (Europe, Asia and America), then expanded the study to additional 85 persons of Denmark and 154 from America. They found that these cases can be divided into three groups based on which species of bacteria occurred in large numbers in the gut: each person can say one of three types of cancer, or enterotypes. Scientists still do not know why people have different types of gut, but suggest that they may be related to differences in how their immune system distinguish between "friendly" and harmful bacteria, or different ways to release hydrogen waste cells. Like blood, the guts type does not depend on rice as an indicator of age, gender, ethnicity and body mass. But the researchers did find, for example, that elderly cancer appears to be more microbial genes involved in the destruction of carbohydrates than young people, perhaps because, as we age, we become less efficient at processing those nutrients, so To survive in the human intestinal tract, bacteria must take on the task. The fact that there are bacterial genes associated with traits such as age and weight indicates that may be markers for traits such as obesity and diseases such as colorectal cancer, Bork says that may have implications for diagnosis and prognosis. If this be so, in the diagnosis and evaluation of the probability of infection of the patient's specific disease, doctors can look for clues not only in the patient's body, but the bacteria that live in it. And after the diagnosis, treatment can be tailored to the type of cancer patient for best results. Recommend this story on Facebook, Twitter


and Google +1: Other Bookmark and collaboration: History Source: above story is reprinted with provided through, services AAAS. Note: materials may be edited for content and length. For more information, please contact the source listed above. Journal Links Manimozhiyan Arumuham, Jeroen RAPN, Eric Pelletier, Denis Le Paslier, Takudzi Yamada, Daniel G. Mende, Gabriel R. Fernandez, Takeaway Julien, Thomas Bruls, Jean-Michel Butte Marcelo Bertalan, Natalia Borruel, Francesc Casellas, Leiden Fernandez Laurent Gautier, Torben Hansen, Masahira Hattori, Tetsuya Hayashi, Michiel Kleerebezem, Ken Kurokawa, Marion Leclerc, Florence Levenez, Chaysavanh Manichanh, H. Bjrn Nielsen, Trine Nielsen, Nicholas Ponce, Julie Pulen, Junjie Qin, Thomas Sicheritz-Ponten, Sebastian Timsit, David Torrents, Edhardo Ugarte, Erwin G. Zoetendal, Jun Wang, Francisco Guarner, Oluf Pedersen, M. Willem de Vos, Sren Brunak, Joel Dore, MetaHIT consortium, Jean Weissenbach, S. Dusko Ehrlich, Peer Bork, Mara Antoln , Francois Artiguenave, Herve M. Blottiere, Mathieu Almeida, Christian Brechot Carlos Curran, Christian Chervaux, Antonella Cultrone, Christine Delorme, Grard Denariaz, Rozenn Dervyn, Conrad strattera 10mg W. Foerstner, Carsten Friss, Maarten van de Guchte, Eric Guedon, Florence Haimet Wolfgang Huber, Johan van Hylckama-Vlieg, Zhame Alexander, Catherine Juste, Ghalia Kaci Jan Knol, Omar Lakhdari, Severin Layec, Karina Le Roux, Emmanuelle Maguin, Alexander Mrieux, Raquel Melo Minardi, Christine M'rini Jean Muller, Raish Oozeer, Julian Parkhill Pierre Renault, Maria Rescigno, Nicholas Sanchez, Shinichi Sunagawa Antonio Torrejon, Keith Turner, Gaetano Vandemeulebrouck, Encarna Varela, Johanan Vinogradsky, George Zeller. Enterotypes per person mikrobiomom intestine. Nature, 2011, DOI:

Warning: This article is not intended for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of science and its employees. .

Damn borrelia .

For many years, Borrelia were considered gram-negative because they diderm and structural appearance of the painting. Borrell - Borrelia including

burgdorferi - not Gram-negative bacteria, but - although many people still referring to them as such. They belong in their category. As I told Dr. MacDonald this week:

I found information confirming the fact that Borrell is not gram-negative and gram-positive. This is a special thing:

"Borrelia considered gram-negative because of their double membrane structure, but genetic analysis of their place - along with cheap strattera other spirochete - a separate type of eubacteria ultrastructural molecular and biochemical studies of stress. large gap between taxonomy spirochete and gram-negative bacteria. "

- C "family of Borrelia" Melissa Caimano. Prokaryotes (2006) 7:235-293. "Although the spirochete Borrelia are often, but wrongly described as gram-negative bacteria due to their diderm, ie double membrane envelopes, upon closer examination reveals significant differences in the composition and architecture. Possibly, it is striking is the absence of LPS, the presence of major surface lipoproteins in the host pathogen interface during transmission, persistence and subsequent pathogenic processes and extras periplazmaticheskoho flagella in determining cell shape. While the surface of lipoproteins, such as Osps interact with different ligands in different tissues of the organs, they are also targets of the immune response and some of them turned into vaccine candidates "

- From Borrell. Molecular biology, host interaction and pathogenesis. Edited by D. Scott and Justin Semyuels D. Radolf. (2010)

So we can say that they are gram-negative "like" - but, strictly speaking, Borrelia No gram-negative bacteria. "

He accepted this answer, and now that Borrelia burgdorferi

is a Gram-uncertain There is additional information from another source of lead which indicates that the spirochete Borrelia differ from other bacteria that are listed here.

"Some of the identified periplazmaticheskoho lipoprotein i. BC OppAs, comprising a substrate transport systems. Investigation integral membrane proteins have led to the discovery of a number of Borrelia porynov: P13, structure and function are unknown, Dypa, which is specific for dikarboksilatov and P66 (Oms66), which has a dual role poroutvoryuyuchyh outer membrane protein with extremely high conductivity of a channel and adhezyny for b3- integrins. Recently identified homologues Besai Tol, B-and C-visible form the Type I "channel" for the export of exogenous toxic substances such as antibiotics and support infektsiynosti by an unknown mechanism. Initial research on the envelope biogenesis ways, based on diderm proteobacterial model organisms have revealed significant deviations from the norm. This further strengthens the unique status among Borrell pathogens. "

Damn Borrelia ... Why you should be such as deviant, why can not you answer? Anyway, I like "channel" they say, on which export or remove antibiotics and keeps infektsiynosti say here to do this using an unknown mechanism According to research out there, this channel is one of the transmembrane proteins that cover external and internal membrane of bacteria -. and it seems to work as

bacteria mouthwash

(in this case. resistance klubenkovyh, distribution, as pump) that removes antibiotics and participates in resistance to antibiotics Check this document (full text in the link):

Source: RND-Type outflow system in Borrelia burgdorferi is involved in virulence and resistance to antimicrobial compounds Ignace Bunikis1, Katrin Denker, Yngwie † stberg1, Christian Andersen, Roland Benz, Sven Bergstr | m PLoS Pathog 29 February 2008, 4 (2) : ... Borrelia burgdorferi e1000009 distinguished by its ability to survive in widely different conditions due to its ability to infect different organisms. Compared with intestinal gram-negative bacteria, the spirochete is only a few transmembrane proteins, some of which are believed to play an important role in the matter and nutrients and excretion of toxic substances. Here, we identified the outer membrane protein, BesC, which is part of the proposed system of export components Bissau, BesB and BesC. We show that BesC, VPH homologue, forms channels in planar lipid bilayer and is involved in resistance to antibiotics. besC knockout was unable to establish infection in mice, indicating the importance of this outer membrane channel in mammals. biophysical properties BesC can be explained by a model based on the channel-tunnel structure. We also called the structural model for leakage device shows the estimated spatial orientation BesC against AcrAB BesAB homologues. We believe that our results will be useful in revealing the pathogenetic mechanisms Borrell, as well as in developing new therapeutic agents to block its function of this secretion apparatus. Clearly, further research in this area is needed. So when people ask: "

Camp, why are you so interested in learning something like field surgery? Why do not you want to learn about different treatments and how they help patients? I want to learn about different types of treatment - is in my interest to do so, because I am working with Lime-health problems for years. I make my own decisions about treatment that is largely personal to my situation. But the study of this material - these details are hidden that should be for most people to be obscure publications in obscure journals outside researchers in the field? For me this stuff that can get us closer to improved treatment for many people. I know this for sure? Number nobody does. But some features under my belt, I can at least apply to the world of science and advocating for funding for research on very specific issues to very specific knowledge. Knowledge that can give us a solid understanding of how to treat chronic Lyme disease, so it does not become chronic. .

Bv usually not accompanied by any vaginal ...

cold pneumonia

What is bacterial vaginosis? Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is an infection that can be caused by a number of bacteria, including vaginal Gardnerella. In women with BV have changed the balance of PH in the vagina, which is more alkaline than normal. What are the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis? Women with this infection often develops discharge, grayish in color and has an unpleasant, fishy odor. Category could rise after sex or during menstruation. BV is usually not accompanied by any vaginal pain or itching. Bacterial vaginosis sexually? BV, not sexually transmitted, although it is most common among women who are sexually active and those who start having sex at an early age and the incidence tends to increase in proportion to the number of sexual partners they had in their lives. BV is caused by a change in the balance of natural bacteria in the vagina, and the reason this case is not well understood. Men can have colonization Gardnerella in the urethra, but it usually causes no symptoms, and they do not require treatment, although many would request treatment if they find that they have this bacterium is present in their urethra. Can I be tested and treatment of bacterial vaginosis? STI clinic may provide a simple urine test for BV and metronidazole are usually prescribed if there is a positive result. Should I worry about bacterial vaginosis? Typically, BV, there is no worry about that and about 1 in 3 women experience symptoms of bacterial vaginosis at some point in their lives. If you are pregnant, there is a risk that BV can cause premature labor and children strattera 25mg of low birth weights. There is also a risk of infection after an abortion or other operations such as hysterectomy. In such cases, metronidazole is usually administered precautionary basis. Can I do anything to reduce the incidence of BV? Do not use the irrigation method to clean the vagina as this can lead to disruption of bacterial balance causing BV. Avoid using strong detergents for washing clothes. Do not add antiseptic for bathing or using fragrant soap wash vagina. Do not wash your vagina too often. Once a day is enough >>. <<

Total e.

Public water system necessary to ensure safe and reliable

water to its customers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If

water becomes contaminated, consumers can seriously

patient. Fortunately, the system of water take many steps to

public safe, reliable drinking water. One of the most important steps

is regular testing of water for the bacteria E. coli. What group of bacteria E. coli? Intestinal bacteria are organisms that are present in the environment >> << and in feces of all warm-blooded animals and humans. Intestinal bacteria

is unlikely to cause disease. However, their presence in drinking water

indicates that pathogens (pathogenic)

pneumonia natural cures

may be in the water supply system. Most pathogens that can contaminate water

come from human or animal feces. Testing of drinking water

for all possible pathogens is complex, time consuming and expensive

. It is relatively easy and inexpensive to test for intestinal bacteria

. If the bacteria E. coli groups detected in a sample of water, water system operators

work to find the source of contamination and restore safe drinking water

. There are three different groups of bacteria E. coli;

each has a different level of risk. Total E. coli, fecal and intestinal E. coli

Total E. coli, fecal and intestinal

E. coli >> << all indicators of drinking water. General groups of intestinal large collection

different types of bacteria. Fecal coliforms are types

total intestinal who mostly exist in feces. E. coli is a subgroup

fecal bacteria of the intestinal group. When water samples sent to laboratories, it is checked

on the total intestinal bacteria group. If the total intestinal present in the sample also be tested

faecal or intestinal and E. coli, depending on the method

testing laboratory. Total E. coli bacteria are commonly found in the environment

(eg, soil and vegetation) and are usually harmless. If only total

group of bacteria E. coli found in drinking water source are likely

environment. Fecal contamination is unlikely. However, if

pollution can enter the system can be

way for pathogens to enter the system. Thus, it is essential

. find the source and solve the problem. Fecal bacteria Escherichia coli is a subgroup of the total number of intestinal bacteria

They appear in large numbers in the intestines and feces

humans and animals. The presence of fecal intestinal in drinking water sample >> << often indicates recent fecal contamination

E. coli imagine

does strattera dosing not mean that it is dangerous strain is present and in fact, is

probably not. However, it indicates recent fecal contamination >>. << Boiling or treating contaminated drinking water with a disinfectant destroys all

forms of E. coli, including

, O157: H7. What happens if intestinal bacteria is in my water? When E. coli bacteria groups found, water investigation to find

how pollution gets into the water. They collect more,

, or repeat water samples for testing, and often check all >> << system. Taking repeat samples helps determine whether an actual problem exists in

system. If any of repeat samples to detect intestinal bacteria

, the first results are confirmed. What happens if the total koliformnyh bacteria confirmed in my water? If the total confirmed koliformnyh bacteria in drinking water, your water system

should be checked to find and eliminate any possible sources of contamination

. Once the source is defined, it is usually

solved by a system repair, washing and adding chlorine for

short period of time. State Department of Health is working with water

systems and utility managers to help solve such problems. In general

koliformnyh bacteria confirmed in drinking water, water supply or

utility must notify its customers within 30 days of >> situation. << Department of Health recommends that the message is

distributed as soon as possible. The message will inform you of the

taken to remedy the problem when the problem is likely to be

resolved, and that you may need to do so far. What happens if fecal koliformnyh bacteria and E. coli is confirmed

in my water? Confirmation of fecal bacteria koliformnyh and Escherichia coli in

supply system indicates recent fecal contamination that may be of immediate >> << health risk of any water consumption. Responding to health emergencies

Public Health DepartmentHealth

Advisory will be issued within 24 hours to notify all water users that

is a health risk associated with water . In most cases

. use boiled or bottled water is recommended for drinking and cooking >> << messages to inform customers about the steps taken for

fix the problem, and when the problem is likely to be solved .

Department will inspect the system as soon as possible to help

water system to solve this problem. More water samples will be taken

find and eliminate potential sources of contamination and chlorination

and flushing the system is likely to happen. Health Advisory

remain in force until the situation is resolved, and the water

safe to drink. Northwest Regional Office, Kent

Southwest Regional Office, Tumwater

Eastern Regional Office, Spokane.